PCT Vlog #4 - Day 12

After much hemming and hawing, I dragged myself out into the rain alongside two Norwegian hikers. It seemed as though the rain might let up long enough for us to get some miles in and work our way slowly toward Idyllwild. The weather had not been our friend in these first few weeks.

As we hiked, the rain came down harder. As we climbed higher, the rain turned to heavy wet snow. There was a gnawing feeling in my gut that told me this wasn’t safe. We stopped for a water break and I quickly realized that my rain jacket was no longer performing its one core function, keeping the water out. I was soaked though to my base layers, and with the elevation only getting higher and the temperature lower, I made the call to head back down to Warner Springs and devise a new plan.

Little did I know, this would be my final day on the PCT.

The PCT Association sent out an email to all permit holders to stop, postpone, or cancel their thru-hikes in response to COVID-19 and the shelter in place orders for the state of California. I was crushed.

So for now, the dream is on hold. But I’m coming back to finish what I started. Just you wait.


The PCT and COVID-19


PCT Vlog #3 - Days 7-11